Bruce & Adam Blonde Farms

Farming has been a family tradition for 100+ years for the Blonde family. We take great pride in where we have been and where we are heading in today’s fast moving agricultural world.

Corn & Soybean Farmers in Southwest Michigan

We focus mainly on corn and soybeans and pride ourselves in growing great crops. We take excellent care of the ground we work and the relationships that we have with our land owners. We are currently seeking farmland to lease and look forward to working with you.

Bruce & Adam Blonde Farms Hats & T-Shirts Available!

If you’re interested in getting one of our Bruce & Adam Blonde Farm hats or t-shirts, feel free to contact us!

Bruce & Adam Blonde Farms Hats (ballcaps)
2024 Blonde Farms t-shirts

Like to know more?

If you’re interested in learning more about our farming services, we would love to hear from you.